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How to make AngularJS compile the code generated by directive?



Please help me on, How can we make AngularJS compile the code generated by directive ?

You can even find the same code here, http://jsbin.com/obuqip/4/edit


<div ng-controller="myController">
    {{names[0]}} {{names[1]}}
    <br/> <hello-world my-username="names[0]"></hello-world>
    <br/> <hello-world my-username="names[1]"></hello-world>
    <br/><button ng-click="clicked()">Click Me</button>


var components= angular.module('components', []);
    function ($scope) {
        var counter = 1;
        $scope.names = ["Number0","lorem","Epsum"];
        $scope.clicked = function() {
            $scope.names[0] = "Number" + counter++;

// **Here is the directive code**
components.directive('helloWorld', function() {
    var directiveObj =  {
        link:function(scope, element, attrs) {
            var strTemplate, strUserT = attrs.myUsername || "";
            if(strUserT) {
                strTemplate = "<DIV> Hello" + "{{" + strUserT +"}} </DIV>" ;
            } else {
                strTemplate = "<DIV>Sorry, No user to greet!</DIV>" ;
        restrict: 'E'
    return directiveObj;
like image 317
SunnyShah Avatar asked Jan 16 '13 11:01


People also ask

How AngularJS is compiled?

Compiler is an AngularJS service which traverses the DOM looking for attributes. The compilation process happens in two phases. Compile: traverse the DOM and collect all of the directives. The result is a linking function.

What is compile directive?

A compiler directive is a statement that causes the compiler to take a specific action during compilation. Conditional compilation. Conditional compilation provides a way of including or omitting selected lines of source code depending on the values of literals specified by the DEFINE directive.

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The ng-form Directive in AngularJS is used to create a nested form i.e. one form inside the other form. It specifies an inherit control from the HTML form.

2 Answers

Here's a version that doesn't use a compile function nor a link function:

myApp.directive('helloWorld', function () {
  return {
    restrict: 'E',
    replace: true,
    scope: {
      myUsername: '@'
    template: '<span><div ng-show="myUsername">Hello {{myUsername}}</div>'
    + '<div ng-hide="myUsername">Sorry, No user to greet!</div></span>',

Note that the template is wrapped in a <span> because a template needs to have one root element. (Without the <span>, it would have two <div> root elements.)

The HTML needs to be modified slightly, to interpolate:

<hello-world my-username="{{names[0]}}"></hello-world>


like image 98
Mark Rajcok Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 10:10

Mark Rajcok

Code: http://jsbin.com/obuqip/9/edit

components.directive('helloWorld', function() {
    var directiveObj =  {
        compile:function(element, attrs) {
            var strTemplate, strUserT = attrs.myUsername || "";
            if(strUserT) {
                strTemplate = "<DIV> Hello " + "{{" + strUserT +"}} </DIV>" ;
            } else {
                strTemplate = "<DIV>Sorry, No user to greet!</DIV>" ;
        restrict: 'E'
    return directiveObj;

Explanation: The same code should be used in compile function rather than linking function. AngularJS does compile the generated content of compile function.

like image 40
SunnyShah Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
