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How to make an introduction page with Doxygen



People also ask

How do I add a main page in doxygen?

To add content to the mainpage, use the doxygen special command \mainpage. To enhance the documentation you produce, there are a variety of doxygen special commands placed inside doxygen comments. For example, in the class description, note the doxygen special command \author.

How do I add a new line in doxygen?

Add \n followed by a space at the end of your line [1].

Have a look at the mainpage command.

Also, have a look this answer to another thread: How to include custom files in Doxygen. It states that there are three extensions which doxygen classes as additional documentation files: .dox, .txt and .doc. Files with these extensions do not appear in the file index but can be used to include additional information into your final documentation - very useful for documentation that is necessary but that is not really appropriate to include with your source code (for example, an FAQ)

So I would recommend having a mainpage.dox (or similarly named) file in your project directory to introduce you SDK. Note that inside this file you need to put one or more C/C++ style comment blocks.

As of v1.8.8 there is also the option USE_MDFILE_AS_MAINPAGE. So make sure to add your index file, e.g. README.md, to INPUT and set it as this option's value:


Note that with Doxygen release 1.8.0 you can also add Markdown formated pages. For this to work you need to create pages with a .md or .markdown extension, and add the following to the config file:

INPUT += your_page.md
FILE_PATTERNS += *.md *.markdown

See http://www.doxygen.nl/manual/markdown.html#md_page_header for details.

Following syntax may help for adding a main page and related subpages for doxygen:

/*! \mainpage Drawing Shapes
 * This project helps user to draw shapes.
 * Currently two types of shapes can be drawn:
 * - \subpage drawingRectanglePage "How to draw rectangle?"
 * - \subpage drawingCirclePage "How to draw circle?"

/*! \page drawingRectanglePage How to draw rectangle?
 * Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet

/*! \page drawingCirclePage How to draw circle?
 * This page is about how to draw a circle.
 * Following sections describe circle:
 * - \ref groupCircleDefinition "Definition of Circle"
 * - \ref groupCircleClass "Circle Class"

Creating groups as following also help for designing pages:

/** \defgroup groupCircleDefinition Circle Definition
 * A circle is a simple shape in Euclidean geometry.
 * It is the set of all points in a plane that are at a given distance from a given point, the centre;
 * equivalently it is the curve traced out by a point that moves so that its distance from a given point is constant.
 * The distance between any of the points and the centre is called the radius.

An example can be found here