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How to make an advanced search with Spring Data REST?


My task is to make an advanced search with Spring Data REST. How can I implement it?

I managed to make a method to do a simple search, like this one:

public interface ExampleRepository extends CrudRepository<Example, UUID>{      @RestResource(path="searchByName", rel="searchByName")     Example findByExampleName(@Param("example") String exampleName);  } 

This example works perfectly if I have to go simply to the url:


But what I have to do if there are more than one field to search?

For example, if my Example class has 5 fields, what implementation should I have to make an advanced search with all possibiles fileds?

Consider this one:


and this one:


What I have to do to implement this search in appropriate way?


like image 980
Alessandro C Avatar asked Mar 25 '16 15:03

Alessandro C

People also ask

What is @query used for spring?

The @Query annotation can only be used to annotate repository interface methods. The call of the annotated methods will trigger the execution of the statement found in it, and their usage is pretty straightforward. The @Query annotation supports both native SQL and JPQL.

What is @query annotation in spring boot?

The @Query annotation takes precedence over named queries, which are annotated with @NamedQuery or defined in an orm.xml file. It's a good approach to place a query definition just above the method inside the repository rather than inside our domain model as named queries.


A few benefits of using Spring Boot for your REST APIs include: No requirement for complex XML configurations. Embedded Tomcat server to run Spring Boot applications. An auto-configuration feature by Spring Boot that configures your application automatically for certain dependencies.

1 Answers

Spring Data Rest has integrated QueryDSL with web support as well which you can use for your advanced search requirement. You need to change your repository to implement QueryDslPredicateExecutor and things will work out of the box.

Here is a sample from the blog article about the feature:

$ http :8080/api/stores?address.city=York     {     "_embedded": {         "stores": [             {                 "_links": {                     …                 },                  "address": {                     "city": "New York",                      "location": { "x": -73.938421, "y": 40.851 },                      "street": "803 W 181st St",                      "zip": "10033-4516"                 },                  "name": "Washington Hgts/181st St"             },              {                 "_links": {                     …                 },                  "address": {                     "city": "New York",                      "location": { "x": -73.939822, "y": 40.84135 },                      "street": "4001 Broadway",                      "zip": "10032-1508"                 },                  "name": "168th & Broadway"             },              …         ]     },      "_links": {         …     },      "page": {         "number": 0,          "size": 20,          "totalElements": 209,          "totalPages": 11     } } 
like image 113
Faisal Feroz Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 22:09

Faisal Feroz