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How to make a word underline in Markdown


How to make a word underline in Markdown?

For example: bold = **bold** or __bold__, italic = *Italic* or _Italic_.

I have tried with 2 and 3 underscores, but it is not working. Also tried by taking the reference of markdown-it.js.

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RENU SINGH Avatar asked Jun 30 '17 06:06


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2 Answers

since markdown is a markup language and In fact you can use HTML/CSS inside it, the easiest way I've found so far is:

text here <span style="text-decoration: underline">underlined text</span> other text 

Note: you can still use markdown syntax inside the <span> tag.

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Hocine Abdellatif Houari Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 17:09

Hocine Abdellatif Houari

In Jupyter notebook, you can use the following to get underscored text

<u>underscored text </u> 
like image 23
Zed Fang Avatar answered Sep 20 '22 17:09

Zed Fang