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How to make a weak reference set in Swift

NSSet holds strong references to its objects so the Objective C solution was to use NSHashTable.weakObjectsHashTable() a la

NSHashTable* mySet = [NSHashTable weakObjectsHashTable];
[mySet addObject:anyOldObject];
[mySet count]; //returns 1
[mySet containsObject:anyOldObject]; //returns true

in swift however this does not seem to work

var mySet = NSHashTable.weakObjectsHashTable()
mySet.count //returns 1
mySet.containsObject(anyOldObject) //returns false

What am I missing? Or is this a bug?

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Hammer Avatar asked Jul 25 '14 18:07


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What is a weak reference in Swift?

Weak References are one solution to retain cycles in Swift. A weak reference does not increment or decrement the reference count of an object. Since weak references do not increment the reference count of an object, a weak reference can be nil. This is because the object could be deallocated while the weak reference is pointing to it.

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Unowned References in Swift Another solution to retain cycles is an unowned reference. Like a weak reference, an unowned reference does not increment or decrement the reference count of an object. However, unlike a weak reference, the program guarantees to the Swift compiler that an unowned reference will not be nil when it is accessed.

What is a strong reference cycle in Swift?

In Swift, a closure captures its context. This means it strongly references anything referred to inside of it. If you have a closure that belongs to a class, and you call self inside that closure, you create a strong reference cycle. The closure strongly references to self. And self (the class) strongly references to the closure.

Why do we use weak self in Swift?

In Swift, [weak self] prevents closures from causing memory leaks in your application. This is because when you use [weak self], you tell the compiler to create a weak reference to self. In other words, the ARC can release self from memory when necessary.

1 Answers

On Xcode6b5 and using a string as the anyOldObject, I am able to see a return true happening. There were some bugs in 6b4 that prevented optional values from being returned in the interpreter which meant they were being aggressively cleaned up - it might be a problem like this which had the same effect here. It's worth re-trying to see if you have the same behaviour in the latest beta.

like image 159
AlBlue Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10
