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How to make a UNION with Doctrine?

I'm trying to do the following query:

    public function findByNotifications($ownerId)
        $em = $this->getEntityManager();
        $query = $em->createQuery('
           SELECT n FROM
            (SELECT n FROM DelivveWebBundle:UserAd n
                INNER JOIN n.ad ad
                    WHERE ad.owner = :ownerId
                LIMIT 20
            SELECT n FROM DelivveWebBundle:UserAd n
                INNER JOIN n.user u
                INNER JOIN n.ad ad
                   WHERE u.id = :ownerId
                       AND ad.status = :progress
                LIMIT 20)
           LIMIT 20;
        ')->setParameter('ownerId', $ownerId)
            ->setParameter('progress', Constant::AD_IN_PROGRESS);

        $result = $query->getResult();

        return $result;

to generate all my notifications:

    public function showNotificationsAction()
        $this->denyAccessUnlessGranted('ROLE_USER', null, 'Unable to access this page!');

        $owner = $this->getUser();

        $repository = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('DelivveWebBundle:UserAd');

        $notifications = $repository->findByAdOwner($owner->getId());

        return $this->render('DelivveWebBundle:Ad:notification.html.twig', array(
            'owner' => $owner,
            'notifications' => $notifications

The idea is to do a search on AdUser table that returns all notifications that have ads that logged User owns, along with any notifications that logged User requested.

Notification the User requested is a line of AdUser table that has the column the user logged in User.

like image 703
Marcius Leandro Avatar asked Sep 03 '15 19:09

Marcius Leandro

People also ask

What is a union clause?

The Union Clause is used to combine two separate select statements and produce the result set as a union of both the select statements. NOTE: The fields to be used in both the select statements must be in same order, same number and same data type.

1 Answers

I decided to breaking in two searches and giving a marge in results

public function findByAdOwner($ownerId)
    $qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder('n');

    return $qb->select('n')
        ->from('DelivveWebBundle:UserAd', 'n')
        ->join('n.ad', 'ad')
        ->where('ad.owner = :ownerId')
        ->setParameter('ownerId', $ownerId)

public function findByUserNotify($userId)
    $qb = $this->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder('n');

    return $qb->select('n')
        ->from('DelivveWebBundle:UserAd', 'n')
        ->join('n.ad', 'ad')
        ->where('n.user = :userId')
        ->andWhere('ad.status = :status')
        ->setParameter('userId', $userId)
        ->setParameter('status', Constant::AD_IN_PROGRESS)

public function findNotifcations($userId){
    $notification = $this->findByAdOwner($userId);
    $append = $this->findByUserNotify($userId);

    return array_merge($notification, $append);

To become more readable'll just put after something that distinguishes the two types of notice to do the treatment on the page.

I discovered that there is a way to add commands to the doctrine that does not exist, but appears to be quite complex if anyone knows do this, put the answer please.

like image 152
Marcius Leandro Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 19:10

Marcius Leandro