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How to make a ticking clock (time) in AngularJS and HTML

I'm a beginner AngularJS/html user who's been trying to find a code snippet to make a clock/time item for a web app.

A web search did not provide straight-forward results as easily as I would expect them for something so trivial, so I thought I would post this question to get some answers and also make this easier to find for others.

I have posted my solution but want to see if there is anything nicer out there before choosing an answer!

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rex Avatar asked Apr 30 '14 08:04


3 Answers

Just trying to improve Armen's answer. You can use the $interval service to setup a timer.

var module = angular.module('myApp', []);

module.controller('TimeCtrl', function($scope, $interval) {
  var tick = function() {
    $scope.clock = Date.now();
  $interval(tick, 1000);
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.11/angular.min.js"></script>

<div ng-app="myApp">
  <div ng-controller='TimeCtrl'>
    <p>{{ clock | date:'HH:mm:ss'}}</p>
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rustyx Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 21:11


This works quite nicely for me and I think is easy to follow for noobs. See it in action here


function TimeCtrl($scope, $timeout) {
    $scope.clock = "loading clock..."; // initialise the time variable
    $scope.tickInterval = 1000 //ms

    var tick = function() {
        $scope.clock = Date.now() // get the current time
        $timeout(tick, $scope.tickInterval); // reset the timer

    // Start the timer
    $timeout(tick, $scope.tickInterval);


<div ng-controller='TimeCtrl'>
    <p>{{ clock  | date:'medium'}}</p>

Don't forget to include angularJS and the 'ng-app' in your body tag.

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rex Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 21:11


This is the simplest answer I could come up with using $interval:


The JS

function TimeCtrl($interval) {
     var timeController = this;

     timeController.clock = { time: "", interval: 1000 };

     $interval(function () { 
         timeController.clock.time = Date.now();}, 


<div ng-controller='TimeCtrl as timeCtrl'>
    <p>{{ timeCtrl.clock.time | date:'medium'}}</p>

Here is a timer implementation using the same $interval registration function to register a new interval on start, and cancel the interval on stop.

WARNING! It is not possible to bind to the $interval delay parameter


The JS

function TimeCtrl($interval) {

    var timeController = this;

    timeController.clock = { time: "", interval: 1000 };

    timeController.timer = { time: (new Date()).setHours(0,0,0,0), startTime: "", interval: 10};


    timeController.timerStart = function() {
      // Register the interval and hold on to the interval promise
      timeController.timerProcess = RegisterInterval(TimerTick, timeController.timer.interval);
      // Reset the time to 0

    timeController.timerReset = function() {
      timeController.timer.startTime = Date.now();
      timeController.timer.time = (new Date()).setHours(0,0,0,0); 

    timeController.timerStop = function() {
        // If there is an interval process then stop it

    function ClockTick() { 
        timeController.clock.time = Date.now();

    function TimerTick(){
      // Increment the time by the time difference now and the timer start time
      timeController.timer.time += Date.now() - timeController.timer.startTime;
      // Reset the start time
      timeController.timer.startTime = Date.now();

    function RegisterInterval(regFunction, regInterval){
      return $interval(regFunction, regInterval);

    RegisterInterval(ClockTick, timeController.clock.interval);


<div ng-controller='TimeCtrl as timeCtrl'>
    <p>Date: {{ timeCtrl.clock.time | date:'medium'}}</p>
     <p>Timer: {{ timeCtrl.timer.time | date:'mm:ss:sss'}}</p>
     <button type="button" ng-click="timeCtrl.timerStart()">Start</button>
     <button type="button" ng-click="timeCtrl.timerReset()">Reset</button>
     <button type="button" ng-click="timeCtrl.timerStop()">Stop</button>
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Wilmer SH Avatar answered Nov 13 '22 20:11

Wilmer SH