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How to make a non-blocking, non-modal QMessageBox? [closed]



How do I make a non-blocking, non-modal dialog equivalent to QMessageBox::information?

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greshi Gupta Avatar asked Jul 09 '10 09:07

greshi Gupta

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A dialog is created with QMessageBox (). Don’t forget to import this from PyQt5. Then use the methods setIcon (), setText (), setWindowTitle () to set the window decoration.

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While you can construct these dialogs yourself, Qt also provides a built-in message dialog class called QMessageBox. This can be used to create information, warning, about or question dialogs. The example below creates a simple QMessageBox and shows it.

1 Answers

What do you mean by "unblocking"? Non-modal? Or one that doesn't block the execution until the user clicks ok? In both cases you'll need to create a QMessageBox manually instead of using the convenient static methods like QMessageBox::critical() etc.

In both cases, your friends are QDialog::open() and QMessageBox::open( QObject*, const char* ):

void MyWidget::someMethod() {
   QMessageBox* msgBox = new QMessageBox( this );
   msgBox->setAttribute( Qt::WA_DeleteOnClose ); //makes sure the msgbox is deleted automatically when closed
   msgBox->setStandardButtons( QMessageBox::Ok );
   msgBox->setWindowTitle( tr("Error") );
   msgBox->setText( tr("Something happened!") );
   msgBox->setModal( false ); // if you want it non-modal
   msgBox->open( this, SLOT(msgBoxClosed(QAbstractButton*)) );

   //... do something else, without blocking

void MyWidget::msgBoxClosed(QAbstractButton*) {
   //react on button click (usually only needed when there > 1 buttons)

Of course you can wrap that in your own helper functions so you don't have to duplicate it all over your code.

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Frank Osterfeld Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 21:09

Frank Osterfeld