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How to make a Mac OSX Cocoa application fullscreen?


I have been trying to make my Mac application enter fullscreen now for a while but can't get it to work. According to the Apple developer center, I should use enterFullScreenMode:withOptions: which gives me, method enterFullScreenMode not found.

Everywhere I google there seems to be people having issues with making their app fullscreen, so what is the way to make it work?


Of course enterFullScreenMode is for the NSView and I used it on a NSWindow; it's not the view I want to have fullscreen, but the window. I can't find any function for the NSWindow though.

like image 855
tobros91 Avatar asked Feb 07 '11 13:02


People also ask

How do I force an application to full screen on a Mac?

On your Mac, move the pointer to the green button in the top-left corner of the window, then choose Enter Full Screen from the menu that appears or click the button .

How do I resize an application window on a Mac?

Go to Window 2, move the cursor over the top-left corner, hold the Shift key and resize the window to match its left-side edge with the right-side edge of the Window 1. 3. Use Command + ` keyboard shortcut to switch to Window 1, hold the Option key and press the green dot to fit the window to the screen.

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To enter full screen in an app that supports it, press Control-Command-F. You can also navigate to the green full-screen button in the top-left corner of the app window, then press Command-Space bar. The full-screen button can also expand (or maximize) the window.

1 Answers

Lion has some new APIs for full screen.

To do it with NSWindow, do this

[window setCollectionBehavior:           NSWindowCollectionBehaviorFullScreenPrimary]; 

To do this with NSApplication do this

[[NSApplication sharedApplication]         setPresentationOptions:NSFullScreenWindowMask]; 

A bit more about it here.

like image 165
Randall Avatar answered Sep 25 '22 03:09
