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How to make a div expand to fit available vertical space?


I'm looking for a way to make the div that contains my main page content to expand to fit the space left after adding my header and footer. The HTML is laid out like so:

<div id="wrapper">     <div id="header-wrapper">         <header>             <div id="logo-bar"></div>         </header>         <nav></nav>     </div>     <div id="content"></div> </div>   <div id="footer-wrapper">     <footer></footer> </div> 

It's designed so that the footer is always past the bottom of the page by setting the min-height of #wrapper to 100%. The problem is that #content doesn't expand to fill the empty space inside the #wrapper, making it difficult to get the look I want. How can I make it do that?

like image 849
vilhalmer Avatar asked Feb 28 '10 16:02


People also ask

How do you make a div fit a content?

You can simply use the CSS display property with the value inline-block to make a <div> not larger than its contents (i.e. only expand to as wide as its contents).

How do you expand a div?

The height property is used to set the height of an element. The height property does not contains padding, margin and border of element. The height property contains many values which define the height of an element.

1 Answers

Why not use top and bottom. Here's a full example.
You can tweak the top and bottom values, to optimize your header/footer placement.

<html>  <head>   <style type="text/css">    BODY {      margin: 0;      padding: 0;    }     #wrapper {      position: relative;      height: 100%;      width: 100%;    }     #header-wrapper {      position: absolute;      background-color: #787878;      height: 80px;      width: 100%;    }     #content {      position: absolute;      background-color: #ababab;      width: 100%;      top: 80px;      bottom: 50px;    }     #footer-wrapper {      position: absolute;      background-color: #dedede;      height: 50px;      width: 100%;      bottom: 0;    }   </style>  </head>  <body>   <div id="wrapper">     <div id="header-wrapper">       <div id="header">         <div id="logo-bar">Logo</div>       </div>       <div id="nav"></div>     </div>     <div id="content">Content</div>     <div id="footer-wrapper">       <div id="footer">Footer</div>     </div>   </div>  </body> </html> 
like image 159
Zyphrax Avatar answered Sep 30 '22 01:09
