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how to make a chart.js bar chart scrollable

Does anyone know how I can make charts that are made using chart.js scrollable. I have a bar chart which has a very long list of categories on the x-axis. When I change the browser view to mobile screen the labels on the x-axis go into each other and it becomes impossible to read the different categories.

I'm looking for a solution for this by making the chart scrollable horizontally. Is that possible??

like image 977
Suemayah Eldursi Avatar asked Sep 13 '16 15:09

Suemayah Eldursi

1 Answers

ChartJs doesn't support scrollable axis natively. ChartJs charts are responsive and change width according to parent container. You can use this to create a large parent container and have your ChartJs canvas inside it. overflow: auto property with little markup should give you the desired result.

See demo: http://jsfiddle.net/rbdqxfzL/140


<div class="chartWrapper">
  <div class="chartAreaWrapper">
    <canvas id="chart" height="400" width="15000"></canvas>


.chartWrapper {
  position: relative;

.chartWrapper > canvas {
  position: absolute;
  left: 0;
  top: 0;
  pointer-events: none;

.chartAreaWrapper {
  width: 15000px;
  overflow-x: scroll;
like image 148
Abhas Tandon Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 10:10

Abhas Tandon