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How to make a browser display a "save as dialog" so the user can save the content of a string to a file on his system?

How can I make a browser display a "save as dialog" so the user can save the content of a string to a file on his system?

For example:

var myString = "my string with some stuff";

Resulting in something like this:


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MaiaVictor Avatar asked Jul 05 '12 00:07


People also ask

How do I display Save As dialog box?

Use the shortcut F12 to display the Save As dialog box in Excel. Press CTRL + s to save an existing workbook. It's good practice to periodically save while you are working on your Excel file.

How do I save a dialog?

To save a file using the SaveFileDialog component. Display the Save File dialog box and call a method to save the file selected by the user. Use the SaveFileDialog component's OpenFile method to save the file. This method gives you a Stream object you can write to.

Which method is used to open Save dialog?

By pressing F12, Save As dialogue box will open.

6 Answers

EDIT 2022: Please see other answers regarding File System API

In case anyone is still wondering...

I did it like this:

<a href="data:application/xml;charset=utf-8,your code here" download="filename.html">Save</a>

can't remember my source but it uses the following techniques\features:

  1. html5 download attribute
  2. data URI's

Found the reference:


EDIT: As you can gather from the comments, this does NOT work in

  1. Internet Explorer (however works in Edge v13 and later)
  2. Opera Mini


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Craig Wayne Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Craig Wayne

There is a new spec called the Native File System API that allows you to do this properly like this:

const result = await window.chooseFileSystemEntries({ type: "save-file" });

There is a demo here, but I believe it is using an origin trial so it may not work in your own website unless you sign up or enable a config flag, and it obviously only works in Chrome. If you're making an Electron app this might be an option though.

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Timmmm Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10


There is a javascript library for this, see FileSaver.js on Github

However the saveAs() function won't send pure string to the browser, you need to convert it to blob:

function data2blob(data, isBase64) {
  var chars = "";

  if (isBase64)
    chars = atob(data);
    chars = data;

  var bytes = new Array(chars.length);
  for (var i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) {
    bytes[i] = chars.charCodeAt(i);

  var blob = new Blob([new Uint8Array(bytes)]);
  return blob;

and then call saveAs on the blob, as like:

var myString = "my string with some stuff";
saveAs( data2blob(myString), "myString.txt" );

Of course remember to include the above-mentioned javascript library on your webpage using <script src=FileSaver.js>

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Tomas M Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10

Tomas M

This is possible using this cross browser javascript implementation of the HTML5 saveAs function: https://github.com/koffsyrup/FileSaver.js

If all you want to do is save text then the above script works in all browsers(including all versions of IE), using nothing but JS.

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superphonic Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 00:10


Solution using only javascript

function saveFile(fileName,urlFile){
    let a = document.createElement("a");
    a.style = "display: none";
    a.href = urlFile;
    a.download = fileName;

let textData = `El contenido del archivo
que sera descargado`;
let blobData = new Blob([textData], {type: "text/plain"});
let url = window.URL.createObjectURL(blobData);
//let url = "pathExample/localFile.png"; // LocalFileDownload
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Ronald Coarite Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 02:10

Ronald Coarite

Using showSaveFilePicker():

const handle = await showSaveFilePicker({
    suggestedName: 'name.txt',
    types: [{
        description: 'Text file',
        accept: {'text/plain': ['.txt']},

const blob = new Blob(['Some text']);

const writableStream = await handle.createWritable();
await writableStream.write(blob);
await writableStream.close();
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Richie Bendall Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 01:10

Richie Bendall