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How to maintain layout attributes on merged custom android view?

I'm trying to replace a set of views with a custom composite view that is supposed to do exactly the same. Specifically I frequently repeat the following layout:

<LinearLayout style="@style/customLayoutStyle">
  <Button style="@style/customButtonStyle" />
  <TextView style="@style/customTextViewStyle" />

My goal is to replace this block by a single <Highlighter />.

To this end I define in res/layout/highlighter.xml something like

<merge xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <Button android:id="@+id/btnHighlighter" style="@style/customButtonStyle" />
    <TextView android:id="@+id/lblHighlighter" style="@style/customTextViewStyle" />    

And in my custom view I have something like

public class Highlighter extends LinearLayout {
    public Highlighter(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        super(context, attrs);
        inflate(context, R.layout.highlighter, this);

This mostly works, but it seems some of the layout parameters of the <merge> tag are ignored. This screenshot illustrates what seems to be wrong. The 3 images on the bottom row are aligned correctly, using 3x the LinearLayout block I'm trying to replace. Only the top-left image uses the custom view. My guess is that the layout parameters for padding and layout_weight are lost. Am I doing something wrong, or do I need a workaround?

like image 996
Frank Razenberg Avatar asked Feb 09 '13 12:02

Frank Razenberg

People also ask

How to include layout in another layout Android?

To efficiently re-use complete layouts, you can use the <include/> and <merge/> tags to embed another layout inside the current layout. Reusing layouts is particularly powerful as it allows you to create reusable complex layouts. For example, a yes/no button panel, or custom progress bar with description text.

1 Answers

You're right about the parameters being lost. To workaround this you can put the style definition for Highlighter in the layout where you define the Highlighter.


like image 170
nmw Avatar answered Nov 16 '22 03:11
