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How to maintain app master data at server end?



I'm trying to build an API which can be used to update some master data in my app. It contains various drop-downs for city, country etc. Whenever I add new data in these drop-downs, I need the apps to hit this API once a day and get the latest data. Also, if the API is requested older data (from older apps), it should be able to return such data based on some date query parameter.

What's the best way to create such an API?

Also, the API needs to be RESTful and will be exposed to Android/iOS environments.

like image 522
Batman Avatar asked Apr 07 '15 12:04


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1 Answers

API should be able to return so based on some date query parameter.

You can use two columns created_at and updated_at in you tables schema. So how can this will useful for your situation:

  • Whenever some one hitting api without date parameter, you are return all data which are created before current time.
  • Whenever some one hitting api with date parameter then you can return data which are created before value of date parameter.

Obviously you have to write complete logic for this at server side end.

like image 52
Manwal Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 12:10
