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How to loop through all the properties of a class?

People also ask

Which loop is used to iterate the properties of an object?

The for/in loop statement is used to iterate a specified variable over all the properties of an object.

What line of code is used to iterate through all the properties?

The for...in statement iterates over all enumerable properties of an object that are keyed by strings (ignoring ones keyed by Symbols), including inherited enumerable properties.

Use Reflection:

Type type = obj.GetType();
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties();

foreach (PropertyInfo property in properties)
    Console.WriteLine("Name: " + property.Name + ", Value: " + property.GetValue(obj, null));

for Excel - what tools/reference item must be added to gain access to BindingFlags, as there is no "System.Reflection" entry in the list

Edit: You can also specify a BindingFlags value to type.GetProperties():

BindingFlags flags = BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance;
PropertyInfo[] properties = type.GetProperties(flags);

That will restrict the returned properties to public instance properties (excluding static properties, protected properties, etc).

You don't need to specify BindingFlags.GetProperty, you use that when calling type.InvokeMember() to get the value of a property.

Note that if the object you are talking about has a custom property model (such as DataRowView etc for DataTable), then you need to use TypeDescriptor; the good news is that this still works fine for regular classes (and can even be much quicker than reflection):

foreach(PropertyDescriptor prop in TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(obj)) {
    Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", prop.Name, prop.GetValue(obj));

This also provides easy access to things like TypeConverter for formatting:

    string fmt = prop.Converter.ConvertToString(prop.GetValue(obj));

VB version of C# given by Brannon:

Public Sub DisplayAll(ByVal Someobject As Foo)
    Dim _type As Type = Someobject.GetType()
    Dim properties() As PropertyInfo = _type.GetProperties()  'line 3
    For Each _property As PropertyInfo In properties
        Console.WriteLine("Name: " + _property.Name + ", Value: " + _property.GetValue(Someobject, Nothing))
End Sub

Using Binding flags in instead of line no.3

    Dim flags As BindingFlags = BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.Instance
    Dim properties() As PropertyInfo = _type.GetProperties(flags)

Reflection is pretty "heavy"

Perhaps try this solution:


if (item is IEnumerable) {
    foreach (object o in item as IEnumerable) {
            //do function
} else {
    foreach (System.Reflection.PropertyInfo p in obj.GetType().GetProperties())      {
        if (p.CanRead) {
            Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", p.Name, p.GetValue(obj,  null)); //possible function


  If TypeOf item Is IEnumerable Then

    For Each o As Object In TryCast(item, IEnumerable)
               'Do Function
    For Each p As System.Reflection.PropertyInfo In obj.GetType().GetProperties()
         If p.CanRead Then
               Console.WriteLine("{0}: {1}", p.Name, p.GetValue(obj, Nothing))  'possible function
          End If
  End If

Reflection slows down +/- 1000 x the speed of a method call, shown in The Performance of Everyday Things

Here's another way to do it, using a LINQ lambda:


SomeObject.GetType().GetProperties().ToList().ForEach(x => Console.WriteLine($"{x.Name} = {x.GetValue(SomeObject, null)}"));


SomeObject.GetType.GetProperties.ToList.ForEach(Sub(x) Console.WriteLine($"{x.Name} = {x.GetValue(SomeObject, Nothing)}"))