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How to login Gerrit as Administrator




I installed my gerrit on Ubuntu server.

As gerrit said:The first people who logined gerrit is Administrator.

So I logined first with openID (google account),and I am the Administrator indeed.

But,when next day I relogin gerrit with my google account, I become a new register. The id is 100001(Administrator 's id is 100000),but both email are google's email,and are same.

What happened?

like image 902
gemfield Avatar asked Dec 21 '11 03:12


1 Answers

The easiest way is to temporarily disable authenticated logins.

Edit your [auth] statement in gerrit.config to look like this:

type = development_become_any_account

And then force login as the admin, grant yourself access and then restore the [auth] config.

Keep in mind that anyone with access to your server during this time will also be able to be any account, so setup a firewall or something to narrow access down to just your workstation while you complete the above steps.

like image 110
Kirin Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 17:10
