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How to log out automatically with Spring Security

I have a spring web application and I did user authentication using Spring security.

Everything works well. Log in and Log out works perfect!

Now, I want to implement in order to log out automatically. For example, if user has a window opened for about 30 minutes and do nothing (Sessions expired for instance) system should log out automatically. How can I implement this?

It might be implemented by client side (I send requests every 1 minutes and check if session is ended). But can't I do this automatically from Spring?

I have this config:

<http auto-config="true" use-expressions="true">

        <intercept-url pattern="/admin**" />
        <access-denied-handler error-page="/403" />

        <form-login login-page="/login" 
            password-parameter="PASSWORD"  />

        <logout invalidate-session="true" 


and in web.xml


after 1 minute, I see that session was destroyed. kill the session after 1 minute. but page was not redirected to /login?logout

like image 728
grep Avatar asked Jan 05 '15 08:01


People also ask

How do I logout of spring boot security?

Spring security provides following 2 options: Perform the POST logout (this is default and recommended.) Perform the GET logout by disabling CSRF feature.

How do I set session timeout in Spring Security?

Spring Security Session Timeout In the case of Tomcat we can set the session timeout by configuring the maxInactiveInterval attribute on the manager element in server. xml or using the session-timeout element in web. xml. Note that the first option will affect every app that's deployed to the Tomcat instance.

What is the default logout URL defined by Spring Security?

logout/> </http> The element enables the default logout mechanism – which is configured to use the following logout url: /logout which used to be /j_spring_security_logout before Spring Security 4.

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Solution. Review the existing Spring Security's authentication class, the “locked” feature is already implemented. To enable the limit login attempts, you need to set the UserDetails. isAccountNonLocked to false.

1 Answers

Either it may be spring-security, spring-mvc or servlet, auto logout is not possible without perfect client side logic.
Considering application will have both type of request

  • AJAX and
  • form submission/page reload

Auto logout needs very calculated logic. Presenting my autologout functionality implementation with following


1. No extra call/request is used to achieve this. considering performance impact if more than 10k active users and extra calls to achieve auto logout.
2. One line configuration using tag.
3. Works flawlessly even if user opens multiple tab or multiple window.
4. It intimates you before 30 seconds of session invalidation, so if you have filled form and not submitted, you can keep session alive(extend session by one click). So user less likely to loose unsaved data.


1. Include auto logout script in required JSP pages as given below.

    <jsp:include page="../template/autologout-script.jsp"></jsp:include>

2. Create a JSP page, autologout-script.jsp and add below code. Note: No editing/configuring is required

<%@taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>

    var timeOutTimeInSeconds = ${ timeOutTimeInSeconds }; 
    var showTimerTimeInSeconds= ${ showTimerTimeInSeconds };

    var sessionCheckIntervalId = setInterval(redirectToLoginPage, timeOutTimeInSeconds * 1000);
    var timerDisplayIntervalId = setInterval(showTimer, (timeOutTimeInSeconds - showTimerTimeInSeconds) * 1000);
    var badgeTimerId;
    window.localStorage.setItem("AjaxRequestFired", new Date());

    function redirectToLoginPage(){
        //location.href =  '<c:url value="/" />'+'${loginPageUrl}';

    $(document).ajaxComplete(function () {

    $(window).bind('storage', function (e) {
         if(e.originalEvent.key == "AjaxRequestFired"){
             console.log("Request sent from another tab, hence resetting timer")

    function resetTimer()
        showTimerTimeInSeconds= ${ showTimerTimeInSeconds };

        console.log("timeOutTimeInSeconds : "+timeOutTimeInSeconds)
        window.localStorage.setItem("AjaxRequestFired", new Date());

        sessionCheckIntervalId = setInterval(redirectToLoginPage, timeOutTimeInSeconds * 1000);

        timerDisplayIntervalId = setInterval(showTimer, (timeOutTimeInSeconds - showTimerTimeInSeconds) * 1000);


    function showTimer()
        badgeTimerId = setInterval(function(){
        }, 1000);

    function hideTimer()

3. Configure session attributes to configuring timeout setting Note: Configure this after session creation. You can implement HttpSessionListener sessionCreated method and set the following configuration as per your requirement.


session.setAttribute("timeOutTimeInSeconds", 300);
session.setAttribute("showTimerTimeInSeconds", 30);

4. Add below html for displaying timer.
Note: it can be moved to autologout-script template page if you are good at CSS. Hence you can avoid to add this in each and every page.
Include bootstrap or add your custom css.

<span class="badge badge-primary" title="click to keep session alive" id="sessionTimeRemaining" 
    onclick="ajaxSessionRefresh()" style="display:none;">
    <i class="badge badge-danger" id="sessionTimeRemainingBadge" style="float:left">30</i>
     <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-refresh"></i>

enter image description here

That is all about a simple auto logout implementation. You can download working example from my github repository
Autologout using simple servlet example
Autologout using spring-security java configuration example
Autologout using spring-security xml configuration example

Logic Explained

Case 1: On Page load
Here logic is simple, on page load set timer of interval equlas to maxInactiveInterval. after timeout redirect to login page.
Case 2: Keep track AJAX calls
Now considering AJAX requests, you can use .ajaxStart() or .ajaxComplete() callbacks of jquery so that if any ajax request is fired you can reset the interval.
Case 3: Tracking multi tab/window activity
Intertab communication is done to synchronize state of each tab. Used localStorage on change event.

Limitations/Improvements required
1. If maximum allowed session is one, if session is taken from another system, AJAX request will fail. It needs to be handled to redirect to login page.
2. Use ajaxStart() instead of ajaxComplete() to have exact sync of idleTime values between server and browser.

1. Jquery

Alternatives to current implementation compared

1. Setting Refresh header in http response. (Not works for AJAX requests)
response.setHeader("Refresh", "60; URL=login.jsp");
  1. Setting meta refresh tag in HTML (Not works for AJAX requests)
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60; url=login.jsp">
  1. Configuring Activity checker Keeps session alive by repeated AJAX request. Tracks idle time and makes logout request after timeout.
    No doubt it is a good one with simple logic. But i want to just ink my observations.
    • Performance impact if 2 requests are made per minute to keep session alive and 50k active users. 100k requests per minute.
    • Intertab communication If two tabs are open, one tab is receiving activity but other tab is not receiving activity, that tab fires logout request and invalidate session even though activity is present in other tab. (But can be handled)
    • Force logout approach It is a client is dominated over server to invalidate session.
like image 164
PraveenKumar Lalasangi Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 14:09

PraveenKumar Lalasangi