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How to log every http.request made in Node



I want log every http request being made by a particular node app, and all of its modules. Wrapping requests in a function could work for all non-module code, the disadvantage would obviously be it doesn't include module code, and be cumbersome to do.

This is for apps already in production, only other option I thought of was tcpdump.

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Alister Avatar asked Feb 18 '17 18:02


People also ask

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Express uses the debug module internally to log information about route matches, middleware functions that are in use, application mode, and the flow of the request-response cycle. debug is like an augmented version of console. log , but unlike console.

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Some of the most popular logging libraries for Node are Winston, Pino, Bunyan, and Log4js. While you should almost always use a standard console. log, a logging library can be more functional and help avoid decreases in app performance.

1 Answers

Setting NODE_DEBUG=http will make node log out detailed HTTP request information to the console.


NODE_DEBUG=http node index.js

NODE_DEBUG=http npm start

For more information see:

  • NODE_DEBUG documentation

  • This blog post: Debugging tools and practices in node.js.
    It includes:

List of the default available NODE_DEBUG attributes:

  • timer
  • http
  • net
  • fs
  • cluster
  • tls
  • stream
  • child_process
  • module
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Sly_cardinal Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 12:10
