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How to log a python MemoryError (when I'm out of memory)

As part of one of my programs, I want to catch any MemoryError and log them. Currently, I'm using traceback.format_exception to format all other exceptions; I would like to do that for MemoryError as well.

However, using format_exception requires using more memory, which is exactly what I cannot do when I'm out of memory.

What do?

What can I do when I'm thrown a MemoryError besides terminating? Ideally, I would log them and then resume the program on the assumption that freeing the part of the stack between the handler and the thrower* has freed up sufficient memory for me to do so.

(* and also those heap objects kept alive only by the references emanating from that stack section)

like image 787
Jonas Kölker Avatar asked Oct 19 '13 18:10

Jonas Kölker

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1 Answers

It really has little to do with "the stack". Python raises MemoryError when the system malloc() (or similar platform function) returns NULL. In that case, no new memory is actually allocated! So you have just as much free memory remaining as you did before the request that triggered MemoryError. For example, in an interactive shell on a 32-bit box here:

>>> x = [None] * 10**9
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>

That's harmless. Yes, in a realistic program, other memory may be freed as the stack unwinds.

But there must be something unusual about your program if "just continuing" won't just lead to another MemoryError when the same (or similar) task is attempted again. The sanest thing is indeed usually exiting the program and starting over again.

@FredMitchell's idea of reserving some "emergency memory" may be worth pursuing. E.g.,

emergency = 'x' * 10**7

consumes about 10 MB (in Python 2), mostly in "one big chunk", and your handler could do

emergency = ""

to release that back to the system. Then malloc() would have a new contiguous block of 10MB to work with.

But, in the end, I bet it will prove a lot easier to just quit ;-)

like image 84
Tim Peters Avatar answered Nov 14 '22 11:11

Tim Peters