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How To Localize a "Timer" on iPhone




I need to display a timer in "hh:mm:ss" format on the iPhone, but want it localized. Finland, for example uses a period instead of a colon between the time components (hh.mm.ss). Apple's NSDateFormatter would do the trick if I was dealing with a "time" but I need to display hours much greater than 24.

I have not been able to make an NSDate/NSDateFormatter work because when you make one with seconds...

NSDate *aDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:aTotalSeconds];

... every 86,400 seconds (one day's worth) NSDate automatically increments the day and hours, minutes, and seconds go back to zero. I need to make it work on an any number of seconds without rolling over. For example, with 86,401 seconds I want to display 24:00:01 (or 24.00.01 in Finland).

My code manages total seconds fine, so the only problem I have is the display. A simple...

[NSString stringWithFormat:@"%d%@%d%@%d", hours, sepString, mins, sepString, secs]

... would work if I could find a way to get at a localized "sepString" (the time component separator). NSLocale does not seem to have this.


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Swany Avatar asked Nov 05 '10 20:11


People also ask

Where is the timer located on my iPhone?

Swipe up from the bottom of your screen to access Control Center. Tap the Timer button. It's the button that looks like a clock and should be next to the flashlight (if you haven't customized Control Center).

Where is the timer located on my phone?

Open your phone's Clock app . At the top, tap Timer. Enter how long you want the timer to run.

1 Answers

Here is a admittedly hackish way to get the time component separator for any locale. It should work on iOS 3.2 and above. I know the code can be more concise, but I turned my "maximum-verbosity" flag on to make it as readable as possible.

- (NSString*)timeComponentSeparator
    // Make a sample date (one day, one minute, two seconds)
    NSDate *aDate = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceReferenceDate:((24*60*60)+62)];

    // Get the localized time string
    NSDateFormatter *aFormatter = [[NSDateFormatter alloc] init];
    [aFormatter setDateStyle:NSDateFormatterNoStyle];
    [aFormatter setTimeStyle:NSDateFormatterShortStyle];
    NSString *aTimeString = [aFormatter stringFromDate:aDate]; // Not using +localizedStringFromDate... because it is iOS 4.0+

    // Get time component separator
    NSCharacterSet *aCharacterSet = [NSCharacterSet characterSetWithCharactersInString:@":-."];
    NSRange aRange = [aTimeString rangeOfCharacterFromSet:aCharacterSet];
    NSString *aTimeComponentSeparator = [aTimeString substringWithRange:aRange];    

    // Failsafe
    if ([aTimeComponentSeparator length] != 1)
        aTimeComponentSeparator = @":";

    return [[aTimeComponentSeparator copy] autorelease];
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Swany Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 04:11
