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How to localize a date in Liquid?

In my Rails 5 app I am using Liquid to let my users generate content.

Based on my users input, I init my template with something like this:

string   = "Order {{ order.id }} was created {{ order.date | date: '%A %d/%m-%Y' }}"
template = Liquid::Template.parse(string)
result   = template.render({'order' => {'id' => '123', 'date' => order.date}})

This would print something a la:

'Order 123 was created Sunday 14/01-2018'

But how do I build Liquid date localization into my Rails app?

It does not seem to be supported in the documentation. However Shopify themselves seems to have build localization into their Liquid implementation.

I suppose I would need to pass my template a locale (en, fr, etc.) and a locale file. My Rails locale file looks like this:

  datetime: &datetime
      [~, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December]
      [Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday]
      [~, Sun, Mon, Thue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat]
       default: "%d/%m/%Y"
       long: "%A %d/%m-%Y"

And I call it with:

l(order.date, :format => :long, :locale => 'en')

I would love to have access to a similar date localization inside my Liquid template.

like image 379
JohnSmith1976 Avatar asked Jan 23 '18 15:01


1 Answers

I ended up using the link proveded by @Ben, and wrote up this solution:

# config/initializers/liquid_filters.rb
module I18nFilters
  def l(date, format)
    I18n.l(date, :format => format.to_sym)


Now, when invoking that new method:

{{ order.date | l: 'long' }}

it will print out:

'Sunday 14/01-2018'

with Sunday being whatever is in day_names withing the locale file.

like image 61
JohnSmith1976 Avatar answered Oct 09 '22 01:10
