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How to load Fonts in Jetpack Compose Desktop?

In Jetpack Compose for android you can do this:

val fontFamily = FontFamily(
        resId = R.font.my_font_400_regular,
        weight = FontWeight.W400,
        style = FontStyle.Normal
        resId = R.font.my_font_400_italic,
        weight = FontWeight.W400,
        style = FontStyle.Italic

But for Desktop the Filestructure is different and I have no Access to R.font.my_font_400_regular since 'R' is a Android Resource feature.

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Luxusproblem Avatar asked Mar 09 '21 12:03


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2 Answers

Put your .ttf font file in the src > main > resources folder. And then use:

val fontFamily = FontFamily(
        resource = "font.ttf",
        weight = FontWeight.W400,
        style = FontStyle.Normal
like image 87
Saurabh Thorat Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 11:10

Saurabh Thorat

Also, if you are using multiple fonts and want them to each be in their own sub-directory in resources like


then make sure to include that directory in your 'resource' string in the Font creation.

    resource = "fonts/example1/examplefont_bold.ttf",
    weight = FontWeight.Bold,
    style = FontStyle.Normal

Probably obvious, but just in case.

like image 3
Alex Johnson Avatar answered Oct 23 '22 12:10

Alex Johnson