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How to load digital signals from a USB port into memory?





My friend is working on a project in which he needs to get some digital signals into a computer to display/manipulate them.

So I advised him to insert those signals into a USB port due to it's popularity (because the device (which outputs the signals) and the program used for display and manipulation should both be designed for real world usage and might be sold in the market)

The targeted platform is Windows primarily but it would be better if the software was cross-platform. And my friend has knowledge in C++, and wouldn't mind learning C as well.

Where should he start, and what are the steps to get the signals into memory?

Many Thanks

like image 499
Lawand Avatar asked Dec 30 '22 05:12


1 Answers

There is a great article here: USB hardware/software integration that describes the process in full.

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Ian Hickman Avatar answered Jan 13 '23 14:01

Ian Hickman