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How to load a content script on all Google (international) pages?

For a Google-Chrome extension, I would like to load a content script on all Google pages. What is the best way to do this?

I tried this, in the manifest.json, but it does not work:

"matches": ["http://www.google.*/*", "https://www.google.*/*"],

This "works" but it is a bit long to write and I do not think it is the best practice:

"matches": ["http://www.google.com/*", "https://www.google.com/*", "http://www.google.fr/*", "https://www.google.fr/*", "http://www.google.de/*", "https://www.google.de/*", etc..."],
like image 626
Paul Fournel Avatar asked Apr 24 '13 08:04

Paul Fournel

1 Answers

See Match patterns and globs. Unfortunately, Google-Chrome doesn't have a nice mechanism for top-level-domains (TLD's) in its matches specification. So, http://www.google.*/* throws an error and http://www.google.tld/* (Greasemonkey syntax) is not supported.

To work around this, widen the matches parameter and filter the results with the include_globs parameter.
Like so:

"matches":        ["http://*/*", "https://*/*"],
"include_globs":  ["http://www.google.*/*", "https://www.google.*/*"],
like image 116
Brock Adams Avatar answered Oct 14 '22 08:10

Brock Adams