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How to list branches that contain another branch in git




Can someone explain/provide an example of how to list branches that contains another branch in git?

can I use the contain attribute?

like image 973
Jiraiya Avatar asked Jan 28 '23 10:01


2 Answers

A branch name is just a fancy pointer to a given commit (in other words, it's a commitish), so you can look for branches that contain it with the --contains option:

$ git branch --contains my_branch

And if you want to check remote branches as well, you can add the -r flag:

$ git branch -r --contains my_branch
like image 89
Mureinik Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 16:02


Sounds like you want to know about git branch --contains whatever-branch. Use -r if you want to check remote branches as well.

like image 27
eftshift0 Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 16:02
