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How to list all tables in database using Spark SQL?

I have a SparkSQL connection to an external database:

from pyspark.sql import SparkSession

spark = SparkSession \
  .builder \
  .appName("Python Spark SQL basic example") \

If I know the name of a table, it's easy to query.

users_df = spark \
  .read.format("jdbc") \
  .options(dbtable="users", **db_config) \

But is there a good way to list/discover tables?

I want the equivalent of SHOW TABLES in mysql, or \dt in postgres.

I'm using pyspark v2.1, in case that makes any difference.

like image 669
Abe Avatar asked Mar 18 '17 21:03


People also ask

How do I get a list of tables in Spark?

The SHOW TABLES statement returns all the tables for an optionally specified database. Additionally, the output of this statement may be filtered by an optional matching pattern. If no database is specified then the tables are returned from the current database.

How do I list all tables in DB?

You can run the command SHOW TABLES once you have logged on to a database to see all tables. SHOW TABLES; The output will show a list of table names, and that's all.

1 Answers

The answer to this question isn't actually spark specific. You'll just need to load the information_schema.tables.

The information schema consists of a set of views that contain information about the objects defined in the current database. The information schema is defined in the SQL standard and can therefore be expected to be portable and remain stable — unlike the system catalogs, which are specific to RDBMS and are modelled after implementation concerns.

I'll be using MySQL for my code snippet which contains a enwiki database on which I want to list tables :

# read the information schema table 
spark.read.format('jdbc'). \
         url='jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/', # database url (local, remote)
         driver='com.mysql.jdbc.Driver'). \
     load(). \
     filter("table_schema = 'enwiki'"). \ # filter on specific database.
# +-------------+------------+----------+----------+------+-------+----------+----------+--------------+-----------+---------------+------------+----------+--------------+--------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+--------+--------------+-------------+
# +-------------+------------+----------+----------+------+-------+----------+----------+--------------+-----------+---------------+------------+----------+--------------+--------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+--------+--------------+-------------+
# |          def|      enwiki|      page|BASE TABLE|InnoDB|     10|   Compact|   7155190|           115|  828375040|              0|   975601664|1965031424|      11359093|2017-01-23 08:42:...|       null|      null|         binary|    null|              |             |
# +-------------+------------+----------+----------+------+-------+----------+----------+--------------+-----------+---------------+------------+----------+--------------+--------------------+-----------+----------+---------------+--------+--------------+-------------+

Note: This solution can be applied to the scala and java with respectful languages constraints.

like image 167
eliasah Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 23:10
