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How to list all registered IBindings in Ninject?



I see methods for enumerating lists of bindings for a given service (type), but nowhere do I find a method returning a list of everything that's been bound in my loaded modules. I'm looking for something like Kernel::IEnumerable<IBinding> GetAllRegisteredBindings()

Does this exist? If not, might I be able to build an extension that could do it? I'd need to be able to get to the bindings w/out a service type...

like image 963
Robert Leahey Avatar asked Sep 22 '10 19:09

Robert Leahey

2 Answers

I looked through the code and didn't see a way to request all of the bindings. If you're comfortable with modifying it and using the modified code, here's what you can do:

to IKernel.cs, add:

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all registered bindings
    /// </summary>
    IEnumerable<IBinding> GetBindings();

to KernelBase.cs, add:

    /// <summary>
    /// Gets all registered bindings
    /// </summary>
    public virtual IEnumerable<IBinding> GetBindings()
        return _bindings.SelectMany( kvp => kvp.Value );

and recompile.

to use:

    var bindings = Kernel.GetBindings();
    bindings.ForEach( b => logger.DebugFormat( "Binding: {0} -> {1}", b.Service, b.Target ) );
like image 181
Dave Thieben Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Dave Thieben

While @dave thieben isnt far wrong, it would appear that your route in without requiring forkage may be to register a custom IBindingResolver Component in the Kernel and then concoct an IRequest that it will recognise, possibly via ResolutionExtensions.GetAll() (in general, most will require you to specify a service (though none Ensure.NotNull on it, some go party on it assuming NotNull).

But you forgot to say why you want it.

Thus I recommend:

  1. saying what you want
  2. asking on the ninject mailing list, including the answer to #1 - this is no beginner question!
like image 22
Ruben Bartelink Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 08:11

Ruben Bartelink