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How to link to another endpoint in Swagger

I'm writing a Swagger specification for an future public API that requires a very detailed and clean documentation. Is there a way to reference/link/point to another endpoint at some other location in the swagger.yml file?

For example, here is what I am trying to achieve:

        - Some tag
      summary: Do things
      description: >
        This endpoint does things.
        See /my/otherEndpoint for stuff  # Here I would like to have some kind of hyperlink
      operationId: doThings
        - application/json
        - application/json
  /my/otherEndpoint:  # This is the endpoint to be referenced to

I have found that $ref does not help because it simply replaces itself with the contents of the reference.

Can Swagger do such a thing?

like image 840
AdrienW Avatar asked Oct 08 '18 13:10


People also ask

What is deep linking in Swagger?

Swagger UI allows you to deeply link into tags and operations within a spec. When Swagger UI is provided a URL fragment at runtime, it will automatically expand and scroll to a specified tag or operation.

How do I access Swagger UI link?

By default, web servers default to the index. html file in the directory, so it will show the Swagger UI file automatically. If the browser doesn't direct to index. html , add it manually: http://localhost:8000/index.html .

1 Answers

Swagger UI provides permalinks for tags and operations if it's configured with the deepLinking: true option. These permalinks are generated based on the tag names and operationId (or if there are no operationId - based on the endpoint names and HTTP verbs).


You can use these permalinks in your Markdown markup:

      description: >
        This endpoint does things.
        See [/my/otherEndpoint](#/tagName/myOtherEndpointId) for stuff


  • Markdown links (such as above) currently open in a new browser tab (as with target="_blank") - see issue #3473.
  • HTML-formatted links <a href="#/tagName/operationId">foobar</a> currently don't work.
  • Swagger Editor does not support such permalinks.
like image 119
Helen Avatar answered Oct 10 '22 09:10
