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How to limit the number of elements in multifield in CQ5?

I develop the site with Day CQ5 and was faced witha problem. I'm creating a component, and the dialogue for it. I use in the dialog for the component element "multifield", which contains several elements "pathfield." How can I set a specific number of elements "pathfield" and remove buttons "+" and "-"?

like image 973
Gleb Avatar asked Apr 04 '12 20:04


1 Answers

I've come across this exact problem this week :)

It seems that by default you can't limit the number of items the editor can enter. To resolve the issue, I created an overlay of the Multifield.js placed at


I've added a check for a 'limit' property set on the fieldConfig node under the multifield. If present & not zero, it will use this as the max number of fields a user can add.

Don't want to get into copyright issues by posting the full overlay, but the changes I made where as follows:

In the constructor (line #53), add in a check to get the value of limit from the fieldConfig node:

if (!config.fieldConfig.limit) {
        config.fieldConfig.limit = "0";

In the handler for the "+" button (line #71) change the function to the following:

if(config.fieldConfig.limit == 0 || list.items.getCount() <= config.fieldConfig.limit) {
} else {
        title: 'Limit reached',
        msg: 'You are only allowed to add ' + config.fieldConfig.limit + 
             ' items to this module',
        buttons: CQ.Ext.Msg.OK

Rather than removing the buttons, I've just created a pop-up to inform the editor that 'N is the max number of fields allowed'.

Simple change, but does the job! Hope this is of use.

like image 129
anotherdave Avatar answered Jan 08 '23 12:01
