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How to limit Airflow to run only one instance of a DAG run at a time?



I want the tasks in the DAG to all finish before the 1st task of the next run gets executed.

I have max_active_runs = 1, but this still happens.

default_args = {     'depends_on_past': True,     'wait_for_downstream': True,     'max_active_runs': 1,     'start_date': datetime(2018, 03, 04),     'owner': 't.n',     'email': ['[email protected]'],     'email_on_failure': True,     'email_on_retry': False,     'retries': 3,     'retry_delay': timedelta(minutes=4) }  dag = DAG('example', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval = schedule_interval) 

(All of my tasks are dependent on the previous task. Airflow version is 1.8.0)

Thank you

like image 772
Tin Ng Avatar asked Mar 12 '18 08:03

Tin Ng

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If you stop a DAG and clear the task from the UI, the running tasks in the executor will not stop. When the task is in a running state, you can click on CLEAR, and it will call job. kill() function on the task. This function will set the task's status to shut_down, which will be shifted to up_for_retry immediately.

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By default, the Celery executor will run a maximum of 16 tasks concurrently.

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You can run a task independently by using -i/-I/-A flags along with the run command.

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In order to filter DAGs (e.g by team), you can add tags in each dag. The filter is saved in a cookie and can be reset by the reset button.

1 Answers

I changed to put max_active_runs as an argument of DAG() instead of in default_arguments, and it worked.

Thanks SimonD for giving me the idea, though not directly pointing to it in your answer.

like image 169
Tin Ng Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 12:09

Tin Ng