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How to limit access to Flask for a single IP address?


I'm developing a website using the Python Flask framework and I now do some devving, pushing my changes to a remote dev server. I set this remote dev server up to serve the website publically using app.run(host='').

This works fine, but I just don't want other people to view my website yet. For this reason I somehow want to whitelist my ip so that the dev server only serves the website to my own ip address, giving no response, 404's or some other non-useful response to other ip addresses. I can of course set up the server to use apache or nginx to actually serve the website, but I like the automatic reloading of the website on code changes for devving my website

So does anybody know of a way to do this using the built in Flask dev server? All tips are welcome!

like image 457
kramer65 Avatar asked Mar 07 '14 13:03


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Another thing you can do is use the flask executable to start your server, you can use flask run --host=0.0. 0.0 to change the default IP which is 127.0. 0.1 and open it up to non local connections.

1 Answers

Using just the features of Flask, you could use a before_request() hook testing the request.remote_addr attribute:

from flask import abort, request  @app.before_request def limit_remote_addr():     if request.remote_addr != '':         abort(403)  # Forbidden 

but using a firewall rule on the server is probably the safer and more robust option.

Note that the Remote_Addr can be masked if there is a reverse proxy in between the browser and your server; be careful how you limit this and don't lock yourself out. If the proxy lives close to the server itself (like a load balancer or front-end cache), you can inspect the request.access_route list to access the actual IP address. Do this only if remote_addr itself is a trusted IP address too:

trusted_proxies = ('', '', '')  def limit_remote_addr():     remote = request.remote_addr     route = list(request.access_route)     while remote in trusted_proxies:         remote = route.pop()      if remote != '':         abort(403)  # Forbidden 
like image 141
Martijn Pieters Avatar answered Feb 14 '23 01:02

Martijn Pieters