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How to learn Java Webservices [closed]


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How can I learn web services in Java?

The java web service application can be accessed by other programming languages such as . Net and PHP. Java web service application perform communication through WSDL (Web Services Description Language). There are two ways to write java web service application code: SOAP and RESTful.

Can I learn Java in 4 months?

The learning of Java mission is definitely possible to complete in 3 to 12 months, however, there are many nuances that we will discuss in this article.

Can I learn Java in 2 days?

To learn Java, we should have command on the Oops concepts like Polymorphism, Encapsulation, Inheritance, and Abstraction because Java works on these principles. We should have to gain knowledge of the following concepts in two days. Polymorphism or Runtime Polymorphism and Compile-time Polymorphism.

Please suggest some good resources to start writing Java Web services.