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How to Launch android apps within my application in Android?

In my application there is tab layout. and two tabs.

  • tab 1 - my app enter image description here
  • tab 2 - any outside android app (like Contacts, call dialer etc.. ) (i know how to launch outside application but its not running within my application (means tab will not display after launch )).

Thanks in advance

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Pratik Popat Avatar asked Dec 23 '11 06:12

Pratik Popat

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1 Answers

I may have misunderstood this, but unless you have created explicit intents (worked with the other app developer or created the other app you wish to embed) this will not be possible.

Each Android app runs in a sandbox: http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/security/security.html


Because Android sandboxes applications from each other, applications must explicitly share resources and data. They do this by declaring the permissions they need for additional capabilities not provided by the basic sandbox. Applications statically declare the permissions they require, and the Android system prompts the user for consent at the time the application is installed. Android has no mechanism for granting permissions dynamically (at run-time) because it complicates the user experience to the detriment of security.

Therefore this would not be possible. It seems misguided or malicious to begin with, but I would seriously reconsider your approach and rethink the benefits weighed against the unlikelihood of even being able to achieve what you ask.

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TryTryAgain Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 11:09
