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How to launch a receiver app in Chrome once Chromecast device has been whitelisted?



I am trying to launch my custom receiver application from the Chrome browser. The first step in doing so appears to add a receiver listener for the activity type I'm interested in:

cast_api = new cast.Api();
cast_api.addReceiverListener(activityType, onReceiverList);

What should activityType be? I am able to put "YouTube" and "Netflix" and get a list of connected receivers, but when I put my whitelisted App-Id I do not get a list of Chromecast receivers. Is this something wrong with my whitelisting (perhaps giving an incorrect device serial code), or is it an incorrect understanding of what activityType means in the Chrome API?

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mr mr Avatar asked Jul 28 '13 19:07

mr mr

1 Answers

There's another possibility for why this isn't working. As mentioned in this answer, you have to have this setting turned on for your device in order for the whitelisting to work:

Send this Chromecast's serial number to Google when checking for updates

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jterrace Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 15:11
