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How to know which exception is thrown

I'm doing a review for our codebase, and there are many statements like this:

} catch (Exception e)


but I would like a way to know which exception is thrown by doSomething() (there's no throw statement in the implementation of doSomething) so i can catch that exception instead of just catching Exception in general, even with findBugs it gives a warning REC_CATCH_EXCEPTION.

I should mention that logging the exception or printing it to console will not help me because it takes time in this case to reproduce the error that causes the exception here.


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Mouna Cheikhna Avatar asked Sep 28 '11 16:09

Mouna Cheikhna

2 Answers

If there's no throws statement in doSomething (e.g. doSomething() throws IOException), any exceptions that will occur will be an instance of RuntimeException. If you want to know the exact class of an exception thrown by doSomething, you can always try

try {
} catch (RuntimeException e){

Knowing which runtime exceptions can be thrown without actually running the program is difficult. Even if none of the code that doSomething() calls has an explicit throw, core java operations can always throw NullPointerException, ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, etc with the wrong input. Here are some ideas:

  • Dig through manually. At least you will know some of the exceptions.
  • Use reflection to find any throw statements accessible from doSomething.
  • Run your test cases and log the exceptions thrown like above. Good tests will reveal the important errors that callers of doSomething should be ready for.
  • Go to the people who put the catch there in the first place

In any case it's usually a good idea to catch exceptions that are as specific as possible, since you don't know exactly what went wrong when you try to deal with all cases in one clause.

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tb189 Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 04:10


You can 1) dig through all the code in doSomething() and everything it calls to see the exception handling and what RuntimeExceptions can be thrown, or 2) take of the catch (Exception e) and wait for it to fail. This is the problem that checked exceptions attempted to overcome by making a strongly-typed declaration in method signatures about what exceptions must be handled as a result of calling the method.

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Ryan Stewart Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 03:10

Ryan Stewart