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How to know when the RecyclerView has finished laying down the items?

I have a RecyclerView that is inside a CardView. The CardView has a height of 500dp, but I want to shorten this height if the RecyclerView is smaller. So I wonder if there is any listener that is called when the RecyclerView has finished laying down its items for the first time, making it possible to set the RecyclerView's height to the CardView's height (if smaller than 500dp).

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wm1sr Avatar asked May 22 '15 13:05


People also ask

How can I check if a RecyclerView item is visible?

You could make some logic using LayoutManager api to get last completely visible item position in RecyclerView onScrolled method: ((LinearLayoutManager) vYourRecycler. getLayoutManager()). findLastCompletelyVisibleItemPosition();

How many layouts are used in RecyclerView?

The RecyclerView library provides three layout managers, which handle the most common layout situations: LinearLayoutManager arranges the items in a one-dimensional list.

2 Answers

I also needed to execute code after my recycler view finished inflating all elements. I tried checking in onBindViewHolder in my Adapter, if the position was the last, and then notified the observer. But at that point, the recycler view still was not fully populated.

As RecyclerView implements ViewGroup, this anwser was very helpful. You simply need to add an OnGlobalLayoutListener to the recyclerView:

View recyclerView = findViewById(R.id.myView);
        new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                // At this point the layout is complete and the
                // dimensions of recyclerView and any child views 
                // are known.
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Kilian Batzner Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 15:10

Kilian Batzner

Working modification of @andrino anwser.

As @Juancho pointed in comment above. This method is called several times. In this case we want it to be triggered only once.

Create custom listener with instance e.g

private RecyclerViewReadyCallback recyclerViewReadyCallback;

public interface RecyclerViewReadyCallback {
    void onLayoutReady();

Then set OnGlobalLayoutListener on your RecyclerView

recyclerView.getViewTreeObserver().addOnGlobalLayoutListener(new ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
            public void onGlobalLayout() {
                if (recyclerViewReadyCallback != null) {

after that you only need implement custom listener with your code

recyclerViewReadyCallback = new RecyclerViewReadyCallback() {
             public void onLayoutReady() {
                 //here comes your code that will be executed after all items are laid down
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Phate P Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 13:10

Phate P