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How to know when all ajax calls are complete




I have a table style page with rows. Each row has a checkbox. I can select all/many checkboxes and click "submit" and what is does is a Jquery ajax call for each row.

Basically I have a form for each row and I iterate over all the checked rows and submit that form which does the jquery ajax call.

So I have a button that does:


Then each row has:

            <form name="MyForm<%=i%>" action="javascript:processRow(<%=i%>)" method="post" style="margin:0px;">                 <input type="checkbox" name="X" value="XChecked"/>                 <input type="hidden" id="XNumber<%=i%>" name="X<%=i%>" value="<%=XNumber%>"/>                 <input type="hidden" id="XId<%=i%>" name="XId<%=i%>" value="<%=XNumber%>"/>                 <input type="hidden" id="XAmt<%=i%>" name="XAmt<%=i%>" value="<%=XAmount%>"/>                 <input type="hidden" name="X" value="rXChecked"/>             </form> 

This form submits to processRow:

   function processRow(rowNum)    {         var Amount = $('#XAmt'+rowNum).val();         var XId = $('#XId'+rowNum).val();         var XNum = $('#OrderNumber'+rowNum).val();         var queryString = "xAmt=" + "1.00" + "&xNumber=" + OrdNum + "&xId=" + xId;           $('#coda_'+rowNum).removeClass("loader");         $('#coda_'+rowNum).addClass("loading");           $.ajax({           url: "x.asp",           cache: false,           type:  "POST",           data:  queryString,           success: function(html){             $('#result_'+rowNum).empty().append(html);             $('#coda_'+rowNum).removeClass("loading");             $('#coda_'+rowNum).addClass("loader");           }         });    } 

What I wanted to know is, from this is there a way I can tell if all my Ajax calls are complete. Reason being that want to enable/disable the submit button while all these calls are taking place.

Thanks and please note that I had to mangle my variable names due to the sensitivity of the application, so many of them may be duplicated.

like image 312
Brian G Avatar asked Nov 13 '08 15:11

Brian G

People also ask

How do you check if all AJAX calls are completed?

The ajaxStop() method specifies a function to run when ALL AJAX requests have completed. When an AJAX request completes, jQuery checks if there are any more AJAX requests. The function specified with the ajaxStop() method will run if no other requests are pending.

How do I know if AJAX request is successful?

$. ajax({ url: "page. php", data: stuff, success: function(response){ console. log("success"); } });

How can I tell if AJAX request is complete in asp net?

Previously, ASP.NET MVC applications could easily check if a request was being made via AJAX, through the aptly named IsAjaxRequest() method which was an available method on the Request object, as shown below: public ActionResult YourActionName() { // Check if the request is an AJAX call.

How wait until AJAX is done?

As other answers mentioned you can use ajaxStop() to wait until all ajax request are completed. If you want do it for an specific ajax() request the best you can do is use complete() method inside the certain ajax request: $.

1 Answers

The easy way

The easiest way is to use the .ajaxStop() event handler:

$(document).ajaxStop(function() {   // place code to be executed on completion of last outstanding ajax call here }); 

The hard way

You can also manually detect if any ajax call is still active:

Create a variable containing number of active Ajax connections:

var activeAjaxConnections = 0; 

just before opening new Ajax connection increment that variable

$.ajax({   beforeSend: function(xhr) {     activeAjaxConnections++;   },   url (...) 

in success part check if that variable equals to zero (if so, the last connection has finished)

success: function(html){   activeAjaxConnections--;   $('#result_'+rowNum).empty().append(html);   $('#coda_'+rowNum).removeClass("loading");   $('#coda_'+rowNum).addClass("loader");   if (0 == activeAjaxConnections) {     // this was the last Ajax connection, do the thing   } }, error: function(xhr, errDesc, exception) {   activeAjaxConnections--;   if (0 == activeAjaxConnections) {     // this was the last Ajax connection, do the thing   } } 

As you can see, I've added also checking for return with error

like image 105
Tomasz Tybulewicz Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 02:09

Tomasz Tybulewicz