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How to know when a new record is added to the database

I have a database being used by two different applications. Application1 will perform all the operations in the database. We do not have control on this application

Application2 will need to be alerted when there is a addition, modification or deletion of a record from a table. But we cannot write some triggers in sql.

Example: There is a billing software which adds a bill to the bills table and the respective record in the customer table will be updated with the new points obtained from the bill. Now we have a different software for analysis which retrieves the data from the customers table and issue some vouchers to them dynamically. I can't loop or query the db very frequently unless it is the only option left.

I also want to know if there is a feature in database engine.

Any suggestions please..

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Prakash Avatar asked Feb 24 '23 15:02


1 Answers

You may take a look at the following article.

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Darin Dimitrov Avatar answered Feb 27 '23 03:02

Darin Dimitrov