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How to know relations between tables


I have a database in MySQL created by someone. I don't have any documentation of the database.

How can I know the relationship between the tables?

Is there any query or a procedure to generate a report so that it's easy to find the relations?

I can look into Schema information and manually figure it out, but it would be great if I could generate a relationship report.

like image 815
Narasimha Maiya Avatar asked Feb 15 '16 12:02

Narasimha Maiya

People also ask

What do you mean by relation between tables?

A relationship is a connection between two tables that contain data: one column in each table is the basis for the relationship. To see why relationships are useful, imagine that you track data for customer orders in your business. You could track all the data in a single table having a structure like this: CustomerID.

2 Answers

You can get an overview in MySql Workbench by doing the steps below:

  1. Go to "Database" Menu option.
  2. Select the "Reverse Engineer" option.
  3. A wizard will be opened and will generate an EER Diagram which shows up
like image 141
Smita Ahinave Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Smita Ahinave

The better way as programmatically speaking is gathering data from INFORMATION_SCHEMA.KEY_COLUMN_USAGE table as follows:

SELECT    `TABLE_SCHEMA`,                          -- Foreign key schema   `TABLE_NAME`,                            -- Foreign key table   `COLUMN_NAME`,                           -- Foreign key column   `REFERENCED_TABLE_SCHEMA`,               -- Origin key schema   `REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME`,                 -- Origin key table   `REFERENCED_COLUMN_NAME`                 -- Origin key column FROM   `INFORMATION_SCHEMA`.`KEY_COLUMN_USAGE`  -- Will fail if user don't have privilege WHERE   `TABLE_SCHEMA` = SCHEMA()                -- Detect current schema in USE    AND `REFERENCED_TABLE_NAME` IS NOT NULL; -- Only tables with foreign keys 

and another one is

like image 29
Ankit Agrawal Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 01:10

Ankit Agrawal