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How to know if all javascript object values are true?



In JavaScript, I need to know if all object items are set to true.

If I have the following object:

var myObj = {title:true, name:true, email:false}; 

I could write something like this :

 if(myObj.title && myObj.name && myObj.email){  /*Some code */ }; 

But I am looking for the simplest way to write it. eg :

if(myObj all is true){ /*Some code */ }; 

I might have another object with 10-20 items inside it, and will need to know if all are true.

like image 359
napalias Avatar asked Jun 14 '13 21:06


People also ask

How do you check if all object keys has false value?

To check if all of the values in an object are equal to false , use the Object. values() method to get an array of the object's values and call the every() method on the array, comparing each value to false and returning the result.

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To check if all of the values in an array are equal to true , use the every() method to iterate over the array and compare each value to true , e.g. arr. every(value => value === true) . The every method will return true if the condition is met for all array elements. Copied!

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All objects (including arrays and functions) convert to true.

1 Answers

With ES2017 Object.values() life's even simpler.

Object.values(yourTestObject).every(item => item) 

Even shorter version with Boolean() function [thanks to xab]


Or with stricter true checks

Object.values(yourTestObject)     .every(item => item === true) 
like image 196
Nachiketha Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 07:09
