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How to know groupid and artifactid of any external jars in maven android project




I am working on maven based android project. I need to add all jars files of libs folder into maven local repositories because many jars are not available into maven central repositories. For this i am going to use following commands.But my question is how to get group-id,artifact-id from any external jar.
Suppose i am having picasso.jar in this case i don't know version too.

 mvn install:install-file

Where:<path-to-file>  the path to the file to load
   <group-id>      the group that the file should be registered under
   <artifact-id>   the artifact name for the file
   <version>       the version of the file
   <packaging>     the packaging of the file e.g. jar

Please help me.

Thanks in Advance

like image 314
DJtiwari Avatar asked Aug 11 '14 07:08


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artifactId is the name of the jar without version. If you created it, then you can choose whatever name you want with lowercase letters and no strange symbols. If it's a third party jar, you have to take the name of the jar as it's distributed.

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1 Answers

The .jars do not have an artifact id. You give them one while mvn installing. For example let's take picasso.jar of your case:

mvn install:install-file
-Dversion=<version-given-by-you-(better using original picasso.jar version)>

Then while using in your project, you need to add the dependency with this information.

like image 161
faradaj Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 06:10
