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How to kill currently running task in android


People also ask

How do you end tasks on mobile?

You can open Task Manager on Android smartphones in the multitasking panel button by the right/left side of your phone's Home button. To exit any app, simply use the Task manager icon by pressing the multitasking button and then tap on X beside the specific app you want to close.

How can I kill other apps from my Android app?

In various older versions of Android, you can tap Settings > Apps or Settings > Applications > Application manager, and tap on an app and tap Force stop. In Android 10, the sequence is Settings > Apps & notifications > App info > [App name] > Disable or Force stop.

I am trying to build a task killer type of app in android. I can show the list of currently running task using ActivityManager but facing problem in killing the task.

Here is what i am doing to get the list of currently running task :

ActivityManager am = (ActivityManager) context.
List<RunningTaskInfo> a = am.getRunningTasks(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

PackageManager pack = this.getPackageManager();

for(int i = 0; i < a.size(); i++) {
    String packageName = a.get(i).topActivity.getPackageName();
    Drawable d = null;
    String appName = "";

    try {
        d = pack.getApplicationIcon(packageName);
        appName = (String)pack.getApplicationLabel(pack.getApplicationInfo(packageName,PackageManager.GET_META_DATA));
    } catch (NameNotFoundException e) {
    packName.add(packageName);  //arraylist of package name
    apps.add(appName);          // arraylist of app name
    icons.add(d);               //arraylist of icons

It worked for me But now as I am trying to kill the task using killBackgroundProcesses :

am.killBackgroundProcesses(package name);

It did not work . Also killBackgroundProcesses method is available in API level 2.2 then how can i perform the same task in previous API level such as 1.6 etc.

Is there any other way to show the currently active apps and kill them?