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How to kill a running Spark application?

People also ask

How do you kill a yarn application?

Another option to stop a running application is to use the YARN command line (this approach does not require port forwarding). You must SSH into the Master node (via bastion) and run the following command: sudo yarn application -kill <application-ID> .

How do you stop the spark shell?

1 Answer. Pressing Ctrl+D will terminate the Spark Session and exit the Spark shell.

How do I stop the spark from streaming?

If all you need is just stop running streaming application, then simplest way is via Spark admin UI (you can find it's URL in the startup logs of Spark master). There is a section in the UI, that shows running streaming applications, and there are tiny (kill) url buttons near each application ID.

How do I know if spark jobs are running?

Click Analytics > Spark Analytics > Open the Spark Application Monitoring Page. Click Monitor > Workloads, and then click the Spark tab. This page displays the user names of the clusters that you are authorized to monitor and the number of applications that are currently running in each cluster.

  • copy paste the application Id from the spark scheduler, for instance application_1428487296152_25597
  • connect to the server that have launch the job
  • yarn application -kill application_1428487296152_25597

It may be time consuming to get all the application Ids from YARN and kill them one by one. You can use a Bash for loop to accomplish this repetitive task quickly and more efficiently as shown below:

Kill all applications on YARN which are in ACCEPTED state:

for x in $(yarn application -list -appStates ACCEPTED | awk 'NR > 2 { print $1 }'); do yarn application -kill $x; done

Kill all applications on YARN which are in RUNNING state:

for x in $(yarn application -list -appStates RUNNING | awk 'NR > 2 { print $1 }'); do yarn application -kill $x; done

First use:

yarn application -list

Note down the application id Then to kill use:

yarn application -kill application_id


PUT http://{rm http address:port}/ws/v1/cluster/apps/{appid}/state
