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How to keep the sequence in javascript Map?

i have myData map as below

 var myData =  new Object();

 myData[10427] = "Description 10427";
 myData[10504] = "Description 10504";
 myData[10419] = "Description 10419";

but now when i iterate over myData, i don't get same sequnce in chrome and IE works fine in firefox. It iterates in ascending order of key

for (var key in myData) {
  alert("key is"+key);

i get the output in ascending order in alert as 10419,10427,10504

How i can make sure to iterate in same order as data as inserted in map?

like image 583
emilly Avatar asked Jul 17 '13 09:07


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1 Answers

ES6 Maps preserves the insertion order.

The set method is used for setting the key value pairs

var myData = new Map();
myData.set(10427, "Description 10427");
myData.set(10504, "Description 10504");
myData.set(10419, "Description 10419");

Map keys and values are printed using

myData.forEach((value,key) => console.log(key, value));

This will print the keys and values in the insertion order

like image 168
Mamtha Soni K Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 22:10

Mamtha Soni K