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how to keep radio-button or checkbox and its label together when content wraps in flow layout

How to keep the radio button ( ) or checkbox [ ] and its label together when text wraps as the browser window is made narrower, so that we don't end up with this:

          [ ] pepperoni   [ ] anchovies   [ ] mushrooms    [ ]

EDIT in response to nowrap suggestions. Thanks for the suggestion. Almost there. It works perfectly in Chrome, FF, and Opera but not in IE9. When the page CSS is label {white-space: nowrap} and the markup is:

          <input type="radio" name="pizza" checked="true" 
           id="pepperoni" value="pepperoni"  />pepperoni  </label>
          <input type="radio" name="pizza"  
           id="anchovies" value="anchovies"  />anchovies  </label>
          <input type="radio" name="pizza" 
           id="mushrooms" value="mushrooms"  />mushrooms  </label>
          <input type="radio" name="pizza" 
           id="olives" value="olives"  />olives           </label>

the TD becomes fixed-width in IE9; the TD won't shrink when the browser window is made narrower, and I get this:

         ( ] pepperoni   ( ) anchovies   ( ) mushrooms   ( )  olives

when I need this:

          ( ) pepperoni   ( ) anchovies   
          ( ) mushrooms   ( ) olives

Is there any additional trick for IE9? I tried putting a span containing a single space between the labels: ...</label><span> </span><label>... but that did not work.

like image 910
Tim Avatar asked Feb 02 '13 16:02


People also ask

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Grouping controls is most important for related radio buttons and checkboxes. A set of radio buttons or checkboxes is related when they all submit values for a single named field. So in your example of a gender selection radio input, a fieldset makes perfect sense.

What is the proper placement of checkboxes and radios?

Additional Guidelines. Use standard visual representations. A checkbox should be a small square that has a checkmark or an X when selected. A radio button should be a small circle that has a solid circle inside it when selected.

How do I keep a radio button checked by default?

You can check a radio button by default by adding the checked HTML attribute to the <input> element. You can disable a radio button by adding the disabled HTML attribute to both the <label> and the <input> .

How do you use radio buttons in labels?

To label a radio button, add a <label> element after the <input> element and insert a for attribute with the same value as the id of the associated <input> element. Then, write your label text in the <label> tag.

1 Answers

Surround both with a <span> container and set white-space: nowrap; on it.

<span style="white-space: nowrap;"> 
  <input type="checkbox" id="in1" /> 
  <label for="in1">pepperoni</label>
<span style="white-space: nowrap;"> 
  <input type="checkbox" id="in2" /> 
  <label for="in2">anchovies</label>
<span style="white-space: nowrap;"> 
  <input type="checkbox" id="in3" /> 
  <label for="in3">mushrooms</label>
<span style="white-space: nowrap;"> 
  <input type="checkbox" id="in4" /> 
  <label for="in4">olives</label>


As mentioned by @xiaoyi, you could also use the <label> itself as the container:

<label style="white-space: nowrap;"> <input type="checkbox" />  pepperoni</label>
<!-- etc -->
like image 178
Sirko Avatar answered Oct 18 '22 01:10
