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how to just open a fancybox window (not onclick)

I am triggering the fancybox to open onclick like this:

                    'type'          :   'iframe',
                    'href'          :   'http://es.solmelia.com/nMenus/jsp/telefonosOtrosPaises.jsp',
                     'transitionIn' : 'elastic',
                    'transitionOut' : 'elastic',
                    /*'easingIn'      : 'easeInOutBack',

                    'easingOut'     : 'easeInOutBack',   */
                     /*onComplete : function(){ $('#fancybox-content').css({'height':'380px','width':'570px','background':'white','padding':'20px'})}*/
                     onComplete : function(){ $('#fancybox-content').css({'width':'630px','background':'white','paddingTop':'15px'})}

but how can i just open it in my js code when i need it?

like image 408
Toni Michel Caubet Avatar asked Jan 19 '23 00:01

Toni Michel Caubet

1 Answers

Instead of calling .fancybox on an element, call it like this:


Note this is fancybox 2 syntax, although it might work with v1

If you want to have it open on both onclick and when prompted in your code, just call click on the element you've attached it to.

like image 55
Adam Hopkinson Avatar answered Jan 27 '23 05:01

Adam Hopkinson