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How to jump to the next search result in the project tree?

Suppose this file tree. I'm searching for sass, and the first highlighted entry is .sass-cache. However, I want to navigate to _sass instead. Is there any shortcut to jump to the next/previous search result?

I know I could type _sass to make it more specific, but I'd still like to know a way to flip through search results if available.

File tree

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Alexander Rechsteiner Avatar asked Dec 27 '16 11:12

Alexander Rechsteiner

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To navigate backwards, press Ctrl+Alt+Left . To navigate forward, press Ctrl+Alt+Right . To navigate to the last edited location, press Ctrl+Shift+Backspace .

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From the main menu, select Edit | Find | Find in Files Ctrl+Shift+F . In the search field, type your search string. Alternatively, in the editor, highlight the string you want to find and press Ctrl+Shift+F . IntelliJ IDEA places the highlighted string into the search field.

How do I jump to the next page in a search?

Ctrl+w is show as the shortcut to initiate a simple text search, but frustratingly enough, it isn’t immediately obvious to jump to the next search result. As it turns out, to do this is simple enough: Alt+w will actually repeat the search, in other words jump to the next search result!

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The Search Results window is created whenever you use a search feature that searches across multiple files, such as the Search Project, Search Files, or Lookup References commands. Each line in the Search Results window corresponds to a match in some file at some line number.

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The search headings are parsed by Source Insight and each search pat­tern appears in the symbol window on the left side of the Search Results window to provide an overview. For example, a typical search heading might look like: meaning that 23 occurrences where found. The Search Results window is actually just another file buffer that you can edit.

What do the search headings look like in Source Insight?

The search headings are parsed by Source Insight and each search pat­tern appears in the symbol window on the left side of the Search Results window to provide an overview. For example, a typical search heading might look like: meaning that 23 occurrences where found.

1 Answers

It is surprisingly intuitive. Just use the arrow keys, Up or down to select the next or previous match

like image 57
Louie Almeda Avatar answered Oct 17 '22 19:10

Louie Almeda