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How to jsdoc indicate that @param is the MouseEvent?



How to jsdoc indicate that @param is the MouseEvent? the HTMLElement DIV?

 * @param {MouseEvent} e
 window.clickToButton = function(e) 

 * @param {HTMLElement} d
 window.clickToDiv = function(d)
like image 295
Danilovonline Avatar asked Aug 09 '13 06:08


People also ask

What is the JSDoc keyword to specify an argument to a function?

The @param tag provides the name, type, and description of a function parameter. The @param tag requires you to specify the name of the parameter you are documenting.

How do you document an object in JSDoc?

To document objects that will be used more than once in source: @typedef is useful in this situation. Once the type is defined in source, you can use it as a type for JSDoc tags like @param or @returns that make use of a type. This syntax is good practice for objects whose values are all the same type.

2 Answers

Actually you'd be better off using the @event tag to document the proper event type, as it integrates with other event-related tags like @fires and @listens in a way that @typedef does not. Depending on the level of detail you want, you could even namespace them. Here are the basics - I'm going to write this like you're using jQuery, just to make the code a little more simple.

Generally you'll want to attach event types to some namespace, class, name, etc. Since you're trying to document a native event type, using "document" might make sense (or window, or global, or native, or whatever you like)

 * @namespace document

If you wanted, you could even get more granular and do something like

 * @namespace root.events.mouse

But for the sake of this discussion, we'll just stick with document.

Mouse events have a lot of properties, but you really only need to document the ones you care about. Here's a generic typedef called mouseEventParams that defines some of the properties most often used when dealing with jQuery events:

 * @typedef {{
 *  target: element,
 *  which: number,
 *  pageX: number,
 *  pageY: number,
 *  clientX: number
 *  clientY: number
 * }} mouseEventParams

Now we've documented what kind of data should be in a mouse event, so we can define different event types now and make sure their properties are documented without repeating ourselves too much. You indicate that the event is part of the appropriate namespace by first declaring the namespace, then a '#', then the event name.

 * Mousedown Event
 * @event document#mousedown
 * @type {mouseEventParams}

 * Mouseup Event
 * @event document#mouseup
 * @type {mouseEventParams}

An alternative way to define these events and their properties, assuming you don't care about the same properties for each event, would be to do something like this:

 * Mousedown Event
 * @event document#mousedown
 * @type {object}
 * @property {element} target
 * @property {number} which

 * Mouseup Event
 * @event document#mouseup
 * @type {object}
 * @property {number} pageX
 * @property {number} pageY
 * @property {number} clientX
 * @property {number} clientY

If you want to refer to an event in another doclet, you need to be aware that JSDoc automatically prepends the string event: onto every event name, to act as a kind of namespace just for events. This means that you need to include that "namespace" when referring to the event from other doclets, except in the case of @fires and @listens, as the event: namespace is implied.

// Notice the inclusion of 'event:' between '#' and 'mousedown' on `@param`
// But you don't need it on 'listens'
 * Handles mousedown events
 * @param  {document#event:mousedown} event
 * @listens document#mousedown
var someMouseHandler = function (event) {
    console.log("mousedown event: ", e);

// Again, you don't need to include 'event:' for the `@fires` tag
 * Triggers a mouseUp event
 * @param {element} element
 * @fires document#mouseup
var triggerMouseUp = function (element) {
like image 89
Isochronous Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10


 * @typedef {object} MouseEvent
 * @typedef {object} HTMLElement

 * @param {MouseEvent} e
window.clickToButton = function(e) {  

 * @param {HTMLElement} d
window.clickToDiv = function(d) {



like image 28
Danilovonline Avatar answered Oct 20 '22 17:10
