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How to JOIN without relational table in Symfony Doctrine with QueryBuilder between 2 entities

I have an Entity Video related with a Entity Category and I need to run this SQL with Doctrine QueryBuilder, with this I can get the most used categories in all videos (1000+):

    SELECT c.*
    FROM Video v
    INNER JOIN video_category vc ON vc.video_id = v.id
    INNER JOIN Category c ON vc.category_id = c.id
    GROUP BY c.id
    HAVING COUNT(v.id) > 1000
    ORDER BY c.name ASC;

My querybuilder:

    $queryBuilder = $this->getEntityManager()
        ->from('AcmeVideoBundle:Video', 'v')
        // Can Doctrine join itself silently with relational info in the Entities?
        ->join('AcmeCategoryBundle:Category', 'c', Expr\Join::WITH, 'v.id = c.id')
        ->having('COUNT(v.id) > 1000')
        ->orderBy('c.name', 'ASC')

But the SQL query output by queryBuilder is this:

    SELECT c0_.id AS id0, c0_.NAME AS name1 
    FROM Video v1_ 
    INNER JOIN Category c0_ ON (v1_.id = c0_.id) 
    GROUP BY c0_.id 
    HAVING COUNT(v1_.id) > 1000

Without the relational table (video_category)

The Entities mapping:

     * Video
     * @ORM\Table
     * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\VideoBundle\Entity\VideoRepository")
    class Video
         * @ORM\Id
         * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
         * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
        private $id;

         * @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Acme\CategoryBundle\Entity\Category", cascade={"persist"})
        private $category;

        // More fields, getters and setters etc...

     * Category
     * @ORM\Table
     * @ORM\Entity(repositoryClass="Acme\CategoryBundle\Entity\CategoryRepository")
    class Category
         * @ORM\Id
         * @ORM\Column(type="integer")
         * @ORM\GeneratedValue(strategy="AUTO")
        private $id;

         * @ORM\Column(type="string", length=255)
        private $name;

        // More fields, getters and setters etc...

How can I use the relation table to run the original SQL query with doctrine Querybuilder? I missed something?

INFO: When I findBy{field}, persist, flush, clear on all entities works fine, the Doctrine relations are ok, I have a Video, Category and video_category tables fine, the original SQL query works perfect.

like image 474
Tecnocat Avatar asked Feb 02 '14 16:02


1 Answers

   // Can Doctrine join itself silently with relational info in the Entities?
    ->join('AcmeCategoryBundle:Category', 'c', Expr\Join::WITH, 'v.id = c.id')

Yes! In fact that is one of the major reasons for using an ORM such as Doctrine 2.



The manual goes into more details though oddly enough is does not seem to have a join example. Hence the common confusion.


And you may not be aware of this but the United Nations has passed a resolution outlawing the use of abbreviations for aliases. Just to be safe, try:

$queryBuilder = $this->getEntityManager()
    ->from('AcmeVideoBundle:Video', 'video')
    ->leftJoin('video.category', 'category')
    ->having('COUNT(video.id) > 1000')
    ->orderBy('category.name', 'ASC')
like image 110
Cerad Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 01:09
