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How to join two CSVs with Apache Nifi

I'm looking into ETL tools (like Talend) and investigating whether Apache Nifi could be used. Could Nifi be used to perform the following:

  1. Pick up two CSV files that are placed on local disk
  2. Join the CSVs on a common column
  3. Write the joined CSV to disk

I've tried setting up a job in Nifi, but couldn't see how to perform the join of two separate CSV files. Is this task possible in Apache Nifi?

It looks like the QueryDNS processor could be used to perform enrichment of one CSV file using the other, but that seems to be over-complicated for this use case.

Here's an example of the input CSVs, which need to be joined on state_id:

Input files


id | name | address      | state_id
1  | John | 10 Blue Lane | 100
2  | Bob  | 15 Green St. | 200


state_id | state
100      | Alabama
200      | New York

Output file


id | name | address      | state
1  | John | 10 Blue Lane | Alabama
2  | Bob  | 15 Green St. | New York
like image 831
Andy Longwill Avatar asked Mar 20 '17 16:03

Andy Longwill

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2 Answers

Apache NiFi is more of a dataflow tool and not really made to perform arbitrary joins of streaming data. Typically those types of operations are better suited to stream processing systems like Storm, Flink, Apex, etc, or ETL tools.

The types of joins that NiFi can do well are enrichment look ups where there is a fixed size lookup dataset, and for each record in the incoming data you use the lookup dataset to retrieve some value. For example, in your case there could be a processor called LookUpState which has a property "State Data" which points to a file containing all the states, then the customers.csv could be the input to this processor.

A community member started a project to make a generic lookup service for NiFi: https://github.com/jfrazee/nifi-lookup-service

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Bryan Bende Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 12:12

Bryan Bende

The typical pattern one follows for this is to load the reference set into a map cache controller service in NiFi. In this case that is the states.csv data. Then the live feed of customer data comes in and is enriched with this reference data using something like ReplaceText or you could even write a custom processor in Groovy. There are a lot of ways to slice this. There is also a JIRA/PR coming for making this even easier. There are elements of live stream joins that are best done in processing systems like Apache Storm, Spark, and Flink, but for the case you mention it can be done well in NiFi.

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Joe Witt Avatar answered Dec 09 '22 13:12

Joe Witt